Silent hill film gore fest to the max

The film has always been my number one fav horror film that I love watching over and over again.. The silent hill film came out in 2006 and is based off of a horror video game with the same name.. The 1st film stays true to the horror and Insanlty that felt in the games.. If you like evil little girls with horrorfying beyond measure monsters and lots of blood then silent hill is for you ;).

It tells the story that spins 30 years of a girl that was bullied and fuck with most her life and died from being set on fire only to come back after making a deal with the devil.. With hate in her heart and demon she turns silent hill into a nightmarish hell on earth.. Trapping everyone in it Slowly takeing revenge on the people that ruin her life.. By the means of human deform looking monsters ripping everyone.. apart by whole body skin peeling.. Or barbwires riping you in half.. its a real blood n guts party.. Its a epic sad like dark horror film.. Youl never forget.. This one.. There not a film that gets into horror just like silent hill.. Why I give silent hill a 10 out of a 10.. 🙂

Author: lordbane666

Rookie gamer.rock.metal.darkdubstep.horror.anime.weed.. History.politics.crazyshit.we bring you the best in horror

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